Finally finished the paint job on the Grey Ripper model from February. So many models, so little time to paint :) The model is painted using an combination of airbrushing, layering and pigments. Details was painted with a hobby brush.
When I started with the model I wanted to add some details like small bushes, bones and skulls to the base but decided against it when the model was finished. I kind of liked the barre look. Think that it suits the model. A couple of bones on the base could however help to display the magnificent size of this beast. I might add that later.
I wanted the models overall color to be grey (to stay true to its name) but I added several different colors as shades to give it a magical/demonic feel. As the model has a lot of skin and flat areas it also made sense to do a bit of extra work on these areas.
Right now the printer is working hard on the Epic Demon Lord model so I hope that I can find some time in the weekend to paint him ^^