I must admit that I have been neglecting this blog since I started it. There has been too little time and way to much to do :) First of all I have been working on the www.hobbyworld.one website. So far "The Legendary Arcade" and "The World of Slot Cars" sub sites are up and running, and there is added new content almost every day. If you are interested in Slot cars, Arcade Machines or both you should check out these pages.
There is also a lot going on on the youtube channel, especially on "The Legendary Arcade" channel. Last Thursday I made a new promotional video (see below). If you are interested in arcade related material, please subscribe to the channel and/or leave a comment. And watch the video of course :)
We also had a small paperboy contest in the gaming club, I ended up with the hi-score but it took a lot of time retaking it from Maria. I hope that someone will challenge the score tomorrow evening.
I am currently working on the "Asgaard Games Gaming Club" webpage. Expect it to go online on sunday.
On a whole different page: Next Sunday the F1 GP has reached China. After the race in Bahrain I'm really looking forward to this race. Once again I hope that Kevin can match his performance from last weekend.
Thanks for taking the time to read all of my nonsense. I really hoped you enjoyed the blog. Please leave a comment.